The Way of A Healer Apprentice Program

There is an innate healer in each one of us. As a human we are nothing but a small spec of soul with many seeds offered.

What seeds we get to sprout and grow in our lifetime will determine a successful outcome of our short time here.

This program is for anyone who is a working practitioner or anyone on the healing path. It is designed to assist the growth of value and light in anyone who will choose to join. This Program offers simple, trusted and earthy ways to care for the body, soul, and the spirit from my 40 years of exploration and watering my own seeds.

Moving into the next stage of my story, assessing my personal harvest and experience, I have some things to share with one who is seeking.


  • Pregnancy, birth, postpartum
  • Earth medicine ways abs rituals
  • Elemental understanding, connecting inner and outer landscape, inspired by Taoist 5 element theory and nature awareness
  • Herbal apprenticeship: connecting, harvesting, using herbal Alllies
  • Farm to table nourishment, recipes and practices ~ feasting on a dream
  • Connecting to Water
  • Connecting to Fire
  • Connecting to Earth
  • Sustainable wild crafting, foraging & gardening with herbs
  • Esthetician dream, old wise ways of a skin and body care
  • Limpia and spiritual bathing

One week of apprenticeship includes:

  • 20 plus hours of learning, practicing, experiencing
  • 2 farm to table meals each day
  • Lodging for the whole week


One hour treatment: $120
2 hours: $200
3 hours: $280
4 hours: $360